أخبار عاجلة

Islam of the world

Islam of the world


What to Come after Hajj ?

What to Come after Hajj?

What to Come after Hajj ? All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, Who says in His Ever Glorious Book, “As for those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah,’ and take the straight path towards Him, the angels come down to them and say, ‘Have no …

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The Necessity of Collective Ijtihad

The Necessity of Collective Ijtihad

Our communities have suffered from odd fatawa and opinions and from the yearning of some unqualified and unspecialized persons looking for fame, prestige or ostentation for odd and strange opinions just to attract attention or serve the interests of their groups or organizations. Collective ijtihad increasingly becomes more urgent by …

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Jurisprudence prayer


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Fiqh of Hajj


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The Necessity of Collective Ijtihad

Our communities have suffered from odd fatawa and opinions and from the yearning of some unqualified and unspecialized persons looking for fame, prestige or ostentation for odd and strange opinions just to attract attention or serve the interests of their groups or organizations. Collective ijtihad increasingly becomes more urgent by …

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دراسة: البدانة تقلل الاستجابة المناعية لتطعيم الأنفلونزا

  نتائج جديدة وخطيرة كشفت عنها دراسة علمية حديثة، إذ أفادت أن أمصال الأنفلونزا قد لا تحمى البدناء من العدوى بسبب وزنهم الزائد.   وشملت الدراسة مجموعة من القوارض، ووجد الباحثون أن لقاحات الأنفلونزا حققت حماية للفئران الخالية من الدهون ضد الفيروسات، ولكنها لم تعمل كذلك على القوارض التى تعانى …

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Jurisprudence fasting


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The Moderation of Islam


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The Moderation Of Islam


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Objectives of Islamic Shari’ah and The Need for Renwall


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Restore confidence between the Islamic world and the West building


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Zakat jurisprudence


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Religion and state


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